Trenton City Hall | 14 West Broadway | Trenton, IL 62293 | (618) 224-7323
CITY HALL HOURS: Monday through Friday 8:30 am – 5:00 pm.
A deposit shall be held by the City as security for the payment of utilities used by the applicant upon the premises to which his application pertains. The depositor shall be refunded the fee with no interest earned after three years of continuous service, providing all bills and any late payment penalty charges which may have been assessed are paid in full. (Ord. No. 1559; 11/01/13). New residents/applicants must provide photo identification prior to service application.
Water (Inside City Limits)
First 1,000 gal: $10.32
$8.89 per/1,000 gal (1,001 to 25,000)
$7.86 per/1,000 gal thereafter
A monthly meter service fee of $4.00 shall apply to all customers
Water (Outside City Limits)
First 2,000 gal (Minimum Bill): $43.56
$11.27 per/1,000 gal (2,001 to 25,000)
$9.79 per/1,000 gal thereafter
The monthly meter service fee shall be based on meter size.
Sewer (Inside City Limits)
First 1,000 gal (Minimum Bill): $20.22
$11.57 per/1,000 gal thereafter
Sewer Rate (Without Water Meter): $62.27/month
If water is temporarily shut off at the request of the user during normal working hours, there shall be a charge of twenty dollars ($20.00) for such service. If water is temporarily shut off at the request of the user after normal working hours, a charge of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be made for such service (Ord. No. 1233, 9/3/02).
Deduct Water Meter
A “Deduct Meter” will allow you to track your water usage on outside faucets for such purposes as swimming pools, car washing and watering lawns. Each meter must be registered with City Hall prior to use. Every year in October (between 10/1 and 10/20), you must bring your meter to City Hall for a reading. A credit for the sewer charges will be calculated and applied to your account. No credit will be issued for meters that have not been registered in advance with City Hall. Meters can be purchased at area hardware stores including Aviston Lumber or online.
Questions about the application process or utility billing? Please contact Cindy Shaw, Utility Billing Clerk (618) 224-7323 or
Auto Debit
The auto debit program is available for the billing of water, sewer, and trash accounts. The program allows customers to have their utility bill automatically deducted from their checking or savings account on a monthly basis.
Voter’s Registration
Don’t forget to change your voter’s registration to the new address of your new location. This can be done at City Hall after residency has been established for 30 days.
Residential rate for weekly refuse, recycling and yard waste is $25.60.
Reduced Senior rate for weekly refuse and recycling is $23.14. Please come to City Hall to register for your discount.
Republic Services Customer Service Phone Number: 618-656-6883
Garbage Pick-up On Monday Yard Waste Pick-up on Wednesday Recycling Pick-up on Friday
Click this Link for Details from Republic Services!
Vehicle licenses and dog/cat tags are no longer required to be purchased.
Alternative Vehicle Licenses
Golf Carts and Side-by-Sides Must complete annual registration and inspection process.
Registration packets can be picked up at City Hall
or via this link
Licenses Fees: City Resident $25 annually
Outside City Limits $50 annually
All vehicle licenses are valid from May 1 through April 30th of the following year. No fees will be pro-rated.
Cable Television
Charter Communications provide cable television services for City of Trenton residents. Please call (888) 471-4485 to establish service.
Telephone Service
AT&T provides local telephone service for the City of Trenton. For residential service information call (800) 222-0300.
or visit:
For business customers call (800) 660-3000.
Electrical Services
AmerenIllinois provides service to most areas of Trenton. For information call (800) 755-5000 or visit
The Clinton County Electric Cooperative provides service to the Wildwood Estates subdivision. For information call (618) 526-7282 or visit
Electric Aggregation
Homefield Energy
Good Energy
Committee for Municipal Electricity Choice
Gas Service
AmerenIllinois provides gas service to the City of Trenton. For information call (800) 755-5000 or visit