Under the direction of Chief of Police Chris Joellenbeck, Trenton Police Department’s 5 full-time and 8 part-time Officers are tasked with ensuring public safety, and the enforcement of all laws within the City’s jurisdiction. The Department is assisted by 3 part-time school crossing guards.
Trenton Police Department
25 West Indiana Street
Trenton, IL 62293
Non-Emergency: 618-224-9226
Business and Private Video Surveillance Registration Program
Video surveillance is one of the best methods of capturing criminals in the act of committing a crime. The Trenton Police Department would like to enlist the assistance of the citizens and business’ in the City of Trenton to help fight crime. Installing a video surveillance system is a great way to deter crime and assist the community in fighting crime.
The Trenton Police Department has started a new program asking citizens and business’ to register their video surveillance systems with the police department which can save officers valuable time on locating surveillance video. Currently an officer has to go door-to-door to locate camera systems. This program is volunteer and you are in control of what you share.
When you register, you only need to specify how many cameras you have and where they are located on your property. Cameras can be doorbell, exterior, or interior that may capture footage. In the event a crime occurred in your neighborhood Police Officers would contact registrants directly to obtain the video.
Registration is simple and only takes a few minutes. There is no cost to the registrant and your information remains confidential.
Please complete the “Business and Private Video Registration” form and drop it off at the Police Department or email the form to cjoellenbeck@trenton-il.com.
For more information contact Chief Chris Joellenbeck at (618) 224-9226.
Emergency Management (TEMS)
The mission of Trenton Emergency Management Service (TEMS) is to support our citizens and the first responders by coordinating and integrating the activities to build, sustain, and improve our capability to mitigate against, prepare for, respond to, and recover from all hazards. Promoting public education and awareness for disaster preparedness and community safety and providing training in first aid and emergency skills is a vital part of our commitment. Development and maintenance of the City’s Emergency Operations Plan and monthly testing of our outdoor sirens fosters our state of readiness.
TEMS has established a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT). CERT is a volunteer team sponsored by the Illinois Citizen Corps program where people help people to do the greatest good for the greatest number. Through training in basic disaster response skills, CERT members can help their family and assist others in the neighborhood or workplace where citizens will initially be on their own and their actions can make a difference. Citizens can learn how to manage utilities, put out small fires, provide medical aid, and search for and rescue victims safely. CERT also provides support through involvement in planned community events.
The City of Trenton has been designated as a Storm Ready Community by the St. Louis National Weather Service (NWS) in 2004. Under our TEMS/CERT members we have trained storm spotters. Training conducted by the St. Louis NWS covers basic thunderstorm development, fundamentals of storm structure, identifying potential severe weather, features information to report, how to report and basic severe weather safety.
TEMS manages a program of neighbor helping neighbor by maintaining a list of local residents who desire to participate. This Health Check Registry is activated in the event of a disaster, extended power outage, or continual extreme weather conditions. Citizens who live alone and have no one to check on then during such events can register by calling Trenton City Hall at 224-7323 or fill out the Health Check Registry Application and return it to City Hall, 14 West Broadway St., Trenton, IL 62293
TEMS manages and maintains Trenton Telephone Emergency Notification System. Each Trenton resident or utility-user may register one landline and one cell phone per service address. Upon the event of an emergency or a public awareness alert, a voice message will be sent to your telephone or answering machine. An accurate phone number listing is maintained only by the resident’s notification of a phone number change, such as an additional or discontinued number, or the resident moving to another area. To be added to our call list or to change your number please stop in Trenton City Hall at 14 W. Broadway St. between 9:00 a.m. to 5:30p.m. Monday-Friday.
For more information on becoming a part of TEMS or CERT activities please contact Chief Chris Joellenbeck at 224-9226, 25 W. Indiana St. Trenton, Illinois.
This year millions of school children around the world will benefit from D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education), the highly acclaimed program that gives kids the skills they need to avoid involvement in drugs, gangs, and violence.
D.A.R.E. was founded in 1983 in Los Angeles and has proven so successful that it is now being implemented in 75 percent of our nation’s school districts and in more than 43 countries around the world.
Locally, Trenton Police Officer Anjeles Mora was certified as a D.A.R.E. instructor in 2018. Officer Mora provides DARE Lessons in the Wesclin School District for K-3rd grades and Keeping it Real for 5th grade. Lessons help students become good citizens, make the right choices and live a drug and violence free lifestyle.